
söndag 27 juli 2014

Beat the heat with something sweet!

Ahh, Japan is frying itself on the surface of the sun and what do I do? I rade second hand shops and clearance sales for A/W clothing! Even though I'm into fashion I can't really say I give a penny for wether or not I'm wearing this years or that years collection, so If I really like a garment and it's dirt cheap because it's no longer "trending", well good for me! (and my wallet).

Soo, these are my recent gets

First up two second hand coats by EMODA

I really wanted to buy these boots from LIP SERVICE last winter, but I never got around to and they sold out. Then a few days ago I just happened to stumble upon a random site that still sels them for a great clearance price :D Also when I got the boots I found the shop had packed a little present for free, a cute flowery make up box^^

During the weekend I just aimlessly wandered around the neighborhood and came across a 100円 shop where I found these adorable chopsticks, OWLS <3 

Last but not least, I had run out of most of my The BODY SHOP products so yesterday I went on a quest to get new ones and came across this heavenly smelling raspberry body lotion.

Good things comes to those who wait, and apparently I like waiting (for cheap stuff lol).

1 kommentar:

  1. Nice!
    Jag köpte den där blåbärslotionen tillslut :)
