
tisdag 18 mars 2014

Language school, sayonara

So yesterday I finally graduated from my japanese language school after 2 years of studying. Can't believe it's been 2 years already! Especially the first year went really fast, probably because it was easy and a lot of fun, guess life in general was easier and more carefree that first year. Second year was tough, really tuff, but it had it's moments as well. I've met so many nice people along the way, some who are remaining in Japan and some who've gone back home. I think that has been the toughest thing about being an exchange student, you make really good friends, only to be separated shortly after. All in all I most certainly do not regret coming to Tokyo and spending these 2 years here.

Since it's 3 weeks left until the entrance ceremony of my college I'm taking the opportunity to spend 2 weeks in Sweden, visiting friends and just trying to relax as much as I can, charge my batteries so to say. I would've loved for my bf to come to Sweden with me, but as he's a typical japanese salary man taking some days of was of course impossible. Hopefully we can go somewhere together during golden week, once again it's not a whole week off, but at least we'll get 4 days in a row.

Also I've packed away my winter clothes as it seems the weather in Tokyo is now staying stable above +12C, nowadays it's usually around +15, lovely~

Right now I'm in the middle of packing for my trip to Sweden, seems it's gonna be cold so I guess I'll have to pack a mix of clothes. Also my roomy have gotten herself some company in the form of a cat (it used to live with her mom before) so if kitty is not too scared of me I'll have a little snuggle buddy^^ Starting to get a bit hyped up now!

Well I'll probably be writing again once I get back to Tokyo, bye for now~

tisdag 4 mars 2014

A spring in "full bloom" fashion

Firstly, sorry I haven't updated in forever, a lot of things happened in my life at the same time, both good and bad, so lately I just haven't had time nor energy to put into the blog. But now things have calmed down and I should be able to update regularly again!

As one of the good things I can mention that I got accepted to the technical college in Tokyo that I had applied for! I'm really really happy and proud of myself for achieving that goal. It's gonna be one tough journey, but I will fight my way through it.

I know I said I would post pictures from my trip in the last post but that will have to wait just a bit more I'm afraid. Hopefully it will come up sometime.

BUT this blog is mostly and foremost about fashion and beauty, so therefore I thought I would write a bit about this years spring trends!

What is definitely most noticeable are the flower patterns that decorate everything from dresses to caps, here are some examples from CECIL McBEE's spring collection:

It's cute, but I feel like I would just have a really hard time coordinating this stuff, so I think I will stay away from this trend, if anything maybe I'll get a flower dress or something, then I don't need to coordinate that much.

Something else that is also very popular is horizontally striped shirts a'la this type:
This pattern I really like, and yes I got myself a shirt pretty much like the one above, it looks fresh, simple and is easy to fit together with other stuff in my closet^^

Speaking of simple, I've totally fallen in love with what the japanese call Onee-kei, it's very simple, mature and toned down. It kind of feels like I've found the perfect style for me. I've also found some new brands to fall in love with lately, my absolute favorite being EGOIST. Unfortunately it's not one of the cheaper brands, so that will be the kind of shopping you do when you feel you deserve something nice I guess (well it's not western brand expensive but if you're a somewhat poor student...).
Well I did one last run for the new years sale and got a few really nice things for just a few bucks.  Will probably post pictures later. If you're patient enough to wait until the very end of the sale you can get ridiculously good bargains, of course most of the best stuff will be gone but if you need like a normal shirt/a pair of jeans or off season shoes, then it's definitely worth the wait as the stores practically gives some stuff away for the price of practically nothing.

Well that was enough ramblings for this time, hope to write soon again!