
tisdag 10 december 2013

Hakone and Sea Paradise!

Wow it's already the middle of December! Not that you could have guessed it judging from the weather though, today it was thunder and raining hard. The good thing is the daylight lasts much longer compared to Sweden where it's dark most of the time during winter…

Anyhow thought I should post some pictures from my adventures in Hakone and at Sea Paradise!

First out is Hakone
Mt Fuji!

Hot spring

Black eggs boiled in the hot spring

Next up Sea Paradise

Got to do some fishing haha

Also we got to eat the fishes we had caught, yummie!

Santa has changed his job a bit...

Both these trips were so much fun! Just being able to relax and enjoy the day with friends and loved ones. It's too bad Sea Paradise is so far away from where I live or I would definitely go there more often.

Also the yen is crazy low right now compared to the krona so I'll post some pictures of some recent gets next time, so stay tuned folks!

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